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Mike or Michael
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dana57 became a registered member 6 years, 5 months ago
@newbilly23 HI
nmsilvergirl posted a new activity comment 6 years, 8 months ago
It was a good, but long day. My aunt and uncle took me to Albuquerque for my eye appt. It’s a 12 hour day to do that. I have to go there though because they did my eye surgery last winter to save my eyesight. They said I’m doing great though. Silver City is small, but great. I’ll tell you more hopefully tomorrow. I am on my aunt’s phone…[Read more]
@nmsilvergirl Lauren:
How wonderful to hear from you.
I can’t begin to really relate, although, sadly, it happens a lot.
Did they find and arrest the person causing the accident?
I see Learning to walk, good for you. Do you get outside at all?
What do you do during a normal day?
I injured my spine, last 6 months I guess I have been leaving…[Read more]
@happyphotoguy Hi just signed up on this site trying to figure it out.
How are you doing? Got your message and yes t have been to the restaurant at the top of the Sandia mountain. It’s been years ago.
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Go up
I go outside everyday
. We have a garden patio. And I have a cat. I also go to my family functions. But I need assistance.
They did not find the driver that caused the accident. My driver died.
How are you doing? How did it happen? I am glad you are doing better. I am catching up on your messages so I will get to all your questions soon.…[Read more]
Texting, good, I look forward towards hearing from you.
Driver, boy friend/husband?
My back? Doing better, about 6 months ago I stopped using my walking stick, camera gear, I need to walk more than I do.
I am hoping to start a job soon, I want to save money and the rent here has gone up by 35%.
Can you take some photos to send me of…[Read more]