• happyphotoguy wrote on nmsilvergirl's Wall 6 years, 8 months ago

    @nmsilvergirl Lauren:

    Evening. Tell me about your day. What did you do? Please use my email address if you want, or here, just write.

    Summer soltice today.

    I actually took 2 good photos today, I put a new one up here yesterday.

    Good smile.

    Tell me about Silver City and you please.

    How is the hip?

    Phone #?


    • It was a good, but long day. My aunt and uncle took me to Albuquerque for my eye appt. It’s a 12 hour day to do that. I have to go there though because they did my eye surgery last winter to save my eyesight. They said I’m doing great though. Silver City is small, but great. I’ll tell you more hopefully tomorrow. I am on my aunt’s phone again. The tech of this site said I need to install Google chrome cause my current browser is the problem I’m having. My aunt has to leave now though and is taking her phone now and will install new browser tomorrow.
      It’s cool you do photography. I want to see some of your photos after I learn how to navigate this on my own.
      I dont have a phone number. I use messenger video chat for my calls. Talk to you soon!! Have a good night, Mike!