• john4575 changed their profile picture 5 years, 1 months ago

    • Can we be friends
      • my name is stanley saw your profile today and i became interested in you and if you can email me here (stanleywendy88@gmail.com)  i will be  waiting for your respond stanley ,
        • Looking for one man who is looking for only one woman and both to find happiness in the kingdom of love. I want to be with a man in that adventure who can show me how important I am to him, with just his look in my eyes, the touch of his hands and his warm embrace. I want to feel to be caressed and be taken care of. Someone who knows how to make each moment of us romantic, and wonderful. I want to find a man ready for life and endless love….send me a message on Google hangout diormabel717@gmail.com
          • can we be friend