• muddley21 and Profile picture of poncemanponceman are now friends 10 years, 5 months ago

    • Hello Emma Ronald my name is Jeremy I have been looking for a girlfriend I am a very outgoing friendly cute compassionate affectionate loving guy I like tdoing the internet too Listening to music movies reading shopping cooking Dancing and animals I am single too my favorite movie is titanic my favorite singer is Adele my dream job is to work at a movie theater my favorite food is steak favorite book is magic tree house and Gary Barlow My famil has a dog named Bogey I like swimming and traveling and I also like texting and talking on the phone you are a very beautiful attractive girl please feel free to text me and call me my cell is 9517077817 i do walk a lot for exercising hope to get a text
      from you and please add me to special bridge as a friend
      Sincerely Jeremy

    • I forgot to tell you please look for me on Facebook I do do Facebook
      Sincerely Jeremy

    • Muddley hey there
      • Hi Emma or muddley