• julianne wrote on susangibbs' Wall 8 years, 10 months ago

    @susangibbs Hi ,Michelle, I’m new to special bridges as well, do u work or have hobbies?

    • I do not work but looking for a job.. My hobbies are walking my dog fancy and listening to audio tapes and going shopping. How about you?

      • Hi, Michelle, my hobbies are listening to music and hanging w/family and friends
        What kind of job are you looking for? I was in retail for 20 years and now do art , what kind of dog do u have ? I have a Siamese cat

        • My hobbies are walking my dog and hanging with family and friends! I love listening to my audio books!! My dog is a chihuahua her name is fancy! Anything to be Putin the community!

        • My name is Dustin
          My number is 651-208-7412
      • Hi Julie I’m Andrew sealock I’m interested in dating you my number is +15406315172 please text me back